A downloadable project

no of players: 2-6 (turn-based) / 2-12 (real-time)

concept: players choose any number of constituencies (Cs) from a pool of 31 (tbc) Cs, with each C having needs and rewards

build buildings - need coin, manpower, materials
produces commercial, materials?, science, defence, culture

pay minimum 1 coin to fight for that C
pay x coins (x being 1 + population across all Cs) for sustenance
players can trade freely
commercial victory - most coin when no more coins
science victory - most science when no more science
defence victory - most defence when no more defence
culture victory - most population when no more population
point victory - most points after x rounds ?
0 population in 1 C = defeat or lose 1 population in other Cs


sghistory.xlsx 37 kB